Friday, 22 June 2007

There's something in her face.

I'm just going to write this while waiting for the latest Chaser to finish downloading. It really did seem a good idea to set up the net so I could be online while in bed but perhaps in retrospect not such a great idea. So I went back to Tassie for four days. As an aside if you want to ask why only for four days, just don't - I am tres sick of talking about it (seriously I swear Tasmanians have some kind of questions sheet which is circulated). It was pretty nice. It was funny to be back somewhere where the surroundings remind you of things that happened years ago. I was in Channel Court which looks so different than it did in my high school days (by different I do mean horrid: what were you thinking Kingborough Council?) and went into the public toilets (the ones on the way to the pet shop) and I suddenly felt like I was in high school again. I really felt like I should have had a plastic bag full with my jodhpurs and daggy polar fleece jumper. It still doesn't have a mirror which is really annoying. I'm not entirely sure how I survived high school in retrospect. When I think of myself then I'm struck by how defenceless I was. Which is silly because I've had my defence system in place for quite some time.

This is going to be a ridiculously short post because Chaser has almost finished downloading. Next post is going to be about my work. Probably. Maybe.

Also: can I take attendance? I just want to know who (if anyone) is reading this drivel.

1 comment:

mjec said...

Guess who, sounding off.

You know that requesting attendance will never settle the question with certainty. It'll just confirm existing knowledge. I don't know why you bother...

Well, I do. But I just like to be a naysayer.