Tuesday, 20 February 2007

No time for a groovy title.

It seems like forever since I've been on the internet (haven't got the shakes yet but any longer and I would have). I worked a double shift on Saturday, which sounds impressive but it was just 8 hours - for most people that is just a shift. On Sunday I did very little, apart from buy the next season of One Tree Hill (for Angie, really!) and possible Season Two of Queer as Folk. Sunday night I went out and that was kind of exciting. (I only have about 20 mins til I have to go meet up with my 'buddy group' for O week shenanigans so this is going to be quick).

I went out with a whole lot of Model UN (UNYA) girls which was cool. Some of them I knew quite well from going to Europe with them, a few I vaguely kew and some I've never met. I'm going to avoid giving a running tally of the alcohol i consumed because I hate Those People (even if I sometimes am one). First we went to a dodgy old persons bar, because it started to rain and we couldn't find anywhere else so we sat and talked and waited for the others to show up. Then we went to a really cool bar called... Madame Brussels, I think. They had plastic grass on the floor, lattice and rose flavoured cocktails. Apparently going out with 9 girls is a good way to attract favourable treatment from bar staff because when the place closed we got to hang out in the crezy-cool back room. And get more drinks. Of course, given there were UNYA people there we could just sit and talk like normal people, there had to be games. So we played I Never, I really don't like that game, but luckily i was tipsy enough by this stage to think of things to say easily. Then Claire's friends showed up, I think one of them was her ex housemate. Anyway, three guys who looked a bit scared by the extreme drunkardness and amount of girls. When we got kicked out of there we went back to Claire and Henny's hotel. And watched... Question Time... There was quite a bit of heckling, and I thought the whole thing was a bit absurd. We also drank vanilla flavoured vodka, which i found disgusting (I'd be interested to know if anyone likes it).

So by this stage I was v.v. drunk and there were only a few of us left. I was sitting next to this guy called Sam (you know this is going to end badly don't you...). We started talking which was cool, he asked me stuff about Vietnam (always very dangerous to encourage my Vietnam talk) and other random things. He's a fifth year (fifth!!!) electrical engineer. So things progressed and we kissed. It was quite nice. But embarrassing as we were sitting in Henny and Claire's well lit hotel room and there were other people there. Then I walked home which was quite stupid, but I didn't want to pay for a taxi. Yesterday I was horribly hung-over and I had and O week bbq followed by trivia (urgh, but we came second!) and then work.

And apparently I'm going to a movie with Sam on Wednesday. Eek! This is such a not me situation.

I Promise the next entry will be deep and meaningful.

1 comment:

mjec said...

It was UNYA National Council when Kevin Rudd became leader of the opposition. There was a party going on and EVERYONE - all thirty-odd of us - squished into the TV room at the host's house to watch Lateline and see what was going on. There was cheering, heckling, drunkidity... UNYA people are really very funny.