Monday, 5 November 2007

Me and Jesus Don't Talk Anymore

Warning: medium level atheism and traces of Anderson Cooper.

Having spent time at Borders (yes I am aware, I have no life) I am once again inspired to write some stuff. Feel privileged. Or not, really it’s your choice. So having surveyed the bookstores it seems that atheism is very hip these days. Particularly at the trendy (Fullers-style) bookshop. I think there were about 5 books on it. I’m never quite sure of the attraction of these books. Well I do kind of get the attraction, I did buy The God Delusion. Which I enjoyed parts of, but other parts were ridiculously long winded. I can’t imagine that a person who believes in God would be interested in that kind of book, especially with titles like How Religion Poisons Everything. So you really just end up preaching to the converted surely? How much fun can that be. I also amusingly saw something entitled The Atheist's Bible. Sure initially, I was like, that’s cool . Then I remembered that one of the reasons I’m an atheist is because I don’t need a bible, I don’t really like the whole idea of basing my whole life on one book. So this sent me on a whole Why I’m an Atheist meandering. For me its really important that it’s not just that I’m anti-religion, I mean, I’m not a massive fan. I do think religion causes a lot of problems. Most of the people who I admire who are religious are basically disregarding some fairly large bits of the faith (they are not anti choice bigots who have deep seated issues with sexuality for example), which sure, makes me like them more. But really I kind of think if you’re going to go half way with the religion thing why bother at all. However it really isn’t a negative thing. And it’s not that I don’t believe in anything. I believe in science and I believe in the goodness of humanity. Which really is enough for me. Sure I kind of wish I was Jewish, but that’s basically about having something in common with Jon Stewart and the bagels. Also it’s part of my culture-lust which comes from being a white, middle class girl of Christian origin which is a whole other post.

So I’ve been feeling a little feministing lately. (Luckily I’m female because seriously what do straight guys in my position have to get riled up about?). The way I have been expressing this is through firmly circling the Ms. section when filling out applications for rental properties. I am just that hardcore. You know what really annoys me though? The “Women’s Interest” section of the magazine stand. Seriously, it’s filled with, like, Good Housekeeping. If I was even more hardcore I would fill it with all the other magazines: Rolling Stone, The Economist and also porn. Although that’s a whole other thing because THIS woman doesn’t find b-list 'celebrities' with fake boobs wearing bikinis and shooting coy ‘naughty’ looks all that interesting. I did on the other hand spend quite some time staring at the cover of Anderson Coopers book. I know he’s a serious journalist but he’s also seriously hot.

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